
  • Gaelic Software has developed and maintained web, desktop and mobile applications in the following sectors:
  • Building & Construction, Sustainable Energy, Manufacturing, Healthcare/Medical, Financial, Auctioneering, Online Retail and Education.

  • Software projects have included:
  • Risk and compliance system
  • We designed and developed a mobile app used by local government departments to schedule and interact with their mobile workforce. It uses C#, ASP.NET, Ajax, Javascript, Jquery and XML. MVC and Entity Frameworks with LINQ and ADO.Net are also used.
  • Manufacturing systems enhancements and support
  • Outsourced and ongoing software development and customer support for a number of diverse manufacturing systems. Technologies include C#/VB.Net, ASP.Net, MS SQL Server, MS Access, Web Services & XML .
  • Medical device systems
  • Designing and developing numerous manufacturing systems for a medical devices multi-national, including device/machine integration, barcode reading/writing, RFID, automation, telecom paging integration, shipping/stock control systems. Software development using VB/ASP.NET, SQL Server and other MS technologies. All development and documentation was to GAMP/GMP standards and FDA approved.
  • Time recording systems
  • Websites designed and developed to record and track employee timesheets and manage projects. Includes signoffs, budget management, quotations and invoicing, supplier costings, shift premiums, integration to clocking & payroll systems, project management and analysis with detailed reporting.
  • Site management system
  • A construction site management system (invoicing, materials ordering, quotation generation) for Building sector using VB, XML, ODBC/SQL.
  • Patient tracking system
  • Upgrades and enhancements to a hospital patient tracking system. The web application tracks patient details, patient history and arranges patient care review meetings. The system is designed and developed using VB/ASP.NET & MS SQL Server.
  • Stock control system
  • A web-based system using VB/ASP.NET and SQL Server.
  • Due diligence reporting
  • A comprehensive due diligence report (travel, interviewing, analysis & reporting) on a software company based in Glasgow for an acquisition by a larger organisation.
  • Energy monitoring and management system
  • Analysis, review and subsequent upgrades to achieve v.1 release of a Green Energy application. This was a publicly available planning tool to monitor and manage energy consumption in order to attain sustainable energy targets. Developed using VB.NET.
  • E-commerce and CMS websites
  • Multiple e-commerce and CMS websites developed using ASP.NET, PERL/CGI, JavaScript and Photoshop for the Fitness, Education and Sports sectors.
  • Accounting and stock management applications
  • Multiple accounting and stock management applications developed using VB6/Comms/Accounting Package APIs for Financial & Construction sectors.
  • Backend online hub application
  • A backend online hub application to synchronise and manage orders between multiple book seller systems using VB6/ASP.NET/JavaScript & MS SQL Server.
  • Exam management system
  • An exam management system using VB6 & Access for a national education provider.